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Thursday, Feb 13, 2025

2025 Mobile Home Residency Law (MRL) + Plus Frequently Asked Questions

The California Civil Code Section 798, or the MRL as commonly referred to, is generally amended each year by the State Legislature.  The updated amended MRL is due to be made available to park residents by management by the first of February.  There are a few changes going into effect in 2025 including providing notices of utility service interruption by electronic communication, adding spaces to an existing mobile home park, and the installation of solar energy systems on individual units in a park.

Q: Is the park manager allowed to force residents to correct code violations to their homes and spaces before a scheduled inspection  by the state Dept. of Housing?

A: The state Department of Housing (HCD) operates a park inspection pro-gram with a goal of completing inspections in at least 5% of the parks in the state per year in order to assure that a reasonable level of health and safety is maintained in those parks. The inspection includes the park common facilities, such as lighting, roads, clubhouse, utilities, and other facilities for which the park is  responsible, as well as individual home site spaces, including the outside of the homes and accessory structures for which the homeowner is responsible. HCD inspectors do not go inside a home unless requested to do so by the homeowner. Citations for violations, depending upon how serious, must either be corrected as soon as possible or within 30 to 60 days. Inspectors have the authority to extend the deadline for compliance if the situation warrants it. Homeowners may appeal a citation to HCD if they feel it is unwarranted. (HCD does not have authority to assess fines against homeowners who do not comply.)


  • The park manager may urge residents to correct code violations on the outside of their homes or on their spaces, or else the resident may risk citation by HCD.

Source: California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD)
