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Home / Legislation / Remember to Vote
Tuesday, Feb 04, 2025

Remember to Vote

Make your Voice Heard!

As you consider your choices on the November 5, 2024 ballot, we want to share with you the positions of the California Chamber of Commerce on several statewide ballot measures. We are not telling you how to vote but simply providing this information because the CalChamber positions are based on the impact of the ballot measures on California’s economy and job climate. For more information, please go to

PropositionWhat It DoesPosition
2K-12 public schools, community college bondSupport
3Constitutional right to marriageSupport
555% voter approval for local infrastructure/housing bondsOppose
32Minimum wage increaseOppose
33Rent controlOppose
34Restrict spending on prescription drug revenuesSupport
36Increase penalties for drug and theft crimesSupport

Source: California Chamber of Commerce
