Established 1982, Serving Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino Counties.

MHET Mobile Home Hotline > (855) 438-6438

Avoid Payment Confirmation Scams

It is increasingly common for people to use their phones to handle transactions, from bill payments to buying household items. But that means scammers are also increasingly likely to use these habits against you. Watch out for emails or texts out of the blue asking...

Mobile Home Communities are like Small Cities

Living in a mobile home park community is like living in a small private city. The streets, sewer system, water, gas and electric systems, street lighting, facilities like recreation areas, clubhouses and pools are all owned and maintained by the park owner.  ...

Affordable Housing vs Low-Income Housing

There is lots of talk these days about the need for more affordable housing in the Southern California region.  It is important to recognize the difference between “low-income” housing and “affordable” housing.  Low-income housing is subsidized by the...

Save Money on Prescription Medications

Have you ever found yourself at the pharmacy checkout, shocked at the cost of the medication you need? You are not alone. Some can be so expensive that it may not be affordable for some to justify important medications, even with the help of medical insurance to cover...