Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, and with the soon approaching holiday, we may recall symbols associated with the holiday. Among some of the most recognizable icons of the day of love are roses, hearts, chocolates, and even teddy bears. But perhaps the most definite of icons is none other than Cupid. Despite being so unmistakable as a symbol of love, who really is Cupid?
We often seen Cupid as a baby cherub wielding his iconic bow and arrow. If we take a deeper dive into the origin of Cupid, we will find his origins in Roman and Greek mythology.
Cupid, also known as Eros in Greek mythology, is the Roman god of attraction, affection, and desire. This is not to be confused with the deity of love which title belongs to his mother, Venus, perhaps better known as her Greek equivalent, Aphrodite. While his mother is the goddess of love, Cupid’s father is noted to be Mars, the god of war.
Cupid’s lineage points to his themes of duality: love and war. His theme of duality continues with his iconic arrows. Most are familiar with his arrows of love; to be shot with one would result in the immediate infatuation between the recipient and whomever they gaze upon. Conversely, Cupid is known to have arrows of aversion; being shot with one of these would only give you the desire reject romantic advances.
It is easy to forget the less romantic themes associated with Cupid, and yet the lessons we can learn from these stories and myths only serve to deepen and enrich our feelings for our loved ones.
Source: Britannica