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Home / Veterans are Being Targeted by Money Hungry Senior Living Facilities
Thursday, Feb 13, 2025

Veterans are Being Targeted by Money Hungry Senior Living Facilities

Not all scams are preformed by people in the shadows, there are some people that will lie to your face in order to profit from your misfortune. This is what is happening to many of our countries veterans. Senior living facilities with incredibly high rents are luring in our nations veterans by promising to get them much needed VA benefits.

In one instance a WWII Veteran was told by a facility that he must move in in order to qualify for assistance. The manager of the facility paired him with a VA claim-filling “advocacy group” and he was guaranteed the acquisition of benefits. In this case the veterans income was far too high to qualify for benefits but not high enough to keep up with the cost of living in the facility. After a year and no awarded benefits he was broke and evicted from the facility.

To prevent this from happening to you, your friend or someone in your family keep an eye out for red flags. If a facility promises that you or your loved one WILL receive benefits use caution. No facility can promise this as each VA program is different. Generally these are the things they are looking for in order for you to qualify for benefits:

  1. Income guidelines. Often times other government benefits end up pushing you over the income limit.
  2. You must have served within certain years or be a certain age.
  3. For some programs, you must prove that the Veteran needs daily assistance with tasks such as bathing and dressing.

Also be on the look out for facilities that claim any of the following regarding benefits.

  1. Moving into a facility is required to qualify – This is not true a veteran can live with a family member or on their own and still qualify for benefits.
  2. Guaranteed Benefits upon move in. – This is also not true. There is no guarantee of benefits. You must qualify based on the criteria set forth by your specified VA program.
  3. VA “Advocacy Group” will fill out your benefit request for a small fee- THIS IS ILLIGAL. No fee can be collected to complete and submit claims on behalf of a veteran.
