Does the law require a manager to be on the premises at all times in case of emergencies?
Not exactly. State law requires a manager or his/her designee to reside in parks with 50 or more spaces, but does not require them to be on the premises 24 hours a day. (Health and Safety Code §18603) It also requires a person to be available by phone, pager, answering machine or answering service, and to reasonably respond in a timely manner to emergencies concerning the operation and maintenance of the park. The agency responsible for enforcement of park health and safety requirements is either local government or HCD.
● The park manager does not have to be on the premises 24 hours a day.
● Parks with less than 50 spaces do not require a manager to live on the premises.
● The park manager does have to be available by phone or other communication device to respond to health and safety emergencies affecting the park.

California Department of Housing & Community Development.