California Mobile Home News & Blog
MHET publishes a blog and monthly newsletter for distribution for mobile home owners living in rental housing communities in the MHET tri-county region.
FAQ July 2024
Q: Can the park’s income requirements on prospective buyers prevent a resident from selling their home? A: Yes. The sale of a mobilehome located in a mobilehome park is a three-party, not two-party transaction. The buyer and seller must not only agree to the terms of...
Emergency Preparedness
According to a new national ranking of 3,200-plus U.S. counties, Southern California rates as the single most disaster-prone region in the country. Quakes, fires, floods, droughts, rising seas, deadly surf, heat waves, cold snaps, hurricanes (partially), and beetles...
Home Value Based on Location, Location, Location!
Housing costs have gone up dramatically over the last few years. Mobile homes and manufactured homes are also selling for more these days in the Southern California region. The key to the “value” of a home has always been linked to the adage, it depends on...
Fourth of July Firework Safety
The Fourth of the July is a classic American holiday often filled with barbeques, swimming, and most notably, fireworks. Meant to celebrate the anniversary of America’s independence, fireworks are a beautiful sight to behold boasting bright colors and captivating...
FAQ June 2024
Q: Can the park owner require a deposit or fee for use of the clubhouse by the homeowner’s association? A: No, however there are certain exceptions. The MRL provides that a park rental agreement or rule or regulation shall not deny a homeowner or resident the right to...
Summer Pool Safety
With school out of session across California, this marks the start of summer! As we transition into warmer weather, everyone will be hoping to take a dip in the pool. In order to keep swimming safe for all, here are a few guidelines to follow while at the pool:...
Trash – There is a whole lot more to it than you think!
While we have all taken trash pick-up for granted, the State of California has changed all of that. Legislation was passed that has gone into effect and has made significant changes in how we dispose of our trash. Now there are mandatory recycling changes that went...
June Dates to Remember
Here are some notable dates to mark on your calendar this month. June 6: D-Day 80th AnniversaryOn June 6, 1944, United States soldiers and our allied forces landed in Normandy, France in the world’s largest seaborne invasion. This operation began the liberation of...
FAQ May 2024
Q: Does a resident need a permit from HCD to remodel their home, even though all the changes and upgrades are on the inside? A: Homeowners need a permit from the state Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). Only HCD, not local government, may issue...
The Red Poppies of Memorial Day
Every major holiday has a symbol associated with it; Valentine’s Day has hearts, Thanksgiving has turkeys, but what is Memorial Day’s? Its symbol is none other than the humble poppy flower, particularly the red poppy. The red poppy first became a symbol of the...