Established 1982, Serving Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino Counties.

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Home / Can the park’s income requirements on prospective buyers prevent a resident from selling their home?
Thursday, Mar 06, 2025

Can the park’s income requirements on prospective buyers prevent a resident from selling their home?


The sale of a mobile home located in a mobile home park is a three-party, not two-party transaction. The buyer and seller must not only agree to the terms of the sale of the home, but the buyer must be approved for residency in the park by the park owner/management. Management can withhold approval on the basis of: 1) the buyer’s inability to pay the rent and charges of the park, and 2) the buyer’s inability to comply with park rules and regulations as indicated by prior tenancies (see Civil Code §798.74). Although guidelines used by other landlords or public agencies for rental housing may be more lenient, many park owners impose higher income requirements to assure buyers will be able to afford future rent increases without causing the park problems, such as evictions.


● A prospective buyer must be approved for residency by the park manager/owner.

● A prospective buyer can be rejected if they don’t meet the income standards for the park.

Source: California Department of Housing and Community Development
