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Home / Economy / Nutrition and Meals- Free for Low Income Seniors and those with Disabilities
Friday, Mar 14, 2025

Nutrition and Meals- Free for Low Income Seniors and those with Disabilities

Being hungry is a terrible feeling but one that many seniors live with due to budget constraints. The California Department on Aging offers programs to help low income seniors who are in need of meals.

According to their website, Congregate Nutrition Services provide meals in a group setting. Services also include nutrition and health promotion education, and opportunities for socialization. People eligible for Title III C-1 nutrition services are 60 years of age or older, individuals with a handicap or disability who meet specific criteria, spouses of eligible participants regardless of age, and volunteers who provide needed services during meal hours. Project facilities and operations conform to health and safety standards and provide safe, wholesome and nutritious meal services to older clients.

Home Delivered Meal Services are available to people, age 60 or older, who are home bound by reason of illness, incapacity, or disability, or who are otherwise isolated. Because home bound meal recipients are typically older and frailer, they are usually referred to the program by a hospital, a family member, or other referral service. Most home-delivered meal programs provide their clients with a hot meal five days a week delivered by staff or volunteer drivers. In addition, nutrition education is provided.

For more information on these programs call 1 (800) 510-2020.
