Established 1982, Serving Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino Counties.

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Cleaning with Vinegar    

Vinegar is an inexpensive and easily accessible option for cleaning many surfaces throughout your home. It also has the benefit of being a nontoxic option! White vinegar is the most popular choice for cleaning purposes due to its higher acidity. You can also find...

Bad News: Roaches are Becoming Resistant to Pesticides

German cockroaches are most common cockroach in the world, one of the most notorious and resilient types of roach, and can produce allergens that worsen conditions like asthma. Unfortunately for humans, there have also been recent studies suggesting that these pests...

How to Dispose of Household Hazardous Waste

Did you know it is illegal in California to simply throw some household items in the trash? Many common household items, like batteries, lightbulbs, and household cleaners, contain potentially hazardous materials or ingredients that pose a danger to the environment,...

Did You Know…

…about these refrigerator facts? Following a few of these tips can help you save some money in utility bills and be more energy efficient. These are a few solutions and remedies for the pests that visit your home, published in the book Who knew? 10,001 Easy Solutions...