California Mobile Home News & Blog
MHET publishes a blog and monthly newsletter for distribution for mobile home owners living in rental housing communities in the MHET tri-county region.
FAQ October 2023
#61 Does the law require a manager to be on the premises at all times in case of emergencies? Not exactly. State law requires a manager or his/her designee to reside in parks with 50 or more spaces, but does not require them to be on the premises 24 hours a day....
Where to go to see Fall Colors in Southern California
It’s the Autumn season again, and while we do see some leaves changing colors around us, we may find ourselves wishing we could see trees covered in red, orange, and gold leaves for miles in every direction. It would be the ultimate Fall experience! Here are some...
What Is the CPI and How Does It Impact Households?
There is a lot of talk these days about the increase in the CPI, or the “Consumer Price Index”. The CPI is the measure of the average change over time in the prices paid by urban consumers for a market basket of consumer goods and services. In other words, it measures...
Happy Halloween! The Origins and History of All Hallows Eve
Where did Halloween come from? You might have been told that it holds its origins in the Mexican holiday, the Day of the Dead. But that is actually a completely separate holiday altogether, from the days it is celebrated to the traditions performed to its ancient...
FAQ September 2023
#9 Q: Can the park charge the resident a late fee if they missed paying the rent and utility bill by one day? A: Late fees on rents, utility charges or other pass-through fees are not regulated by the MRL, however, California court cases regarding late fees generally...
Local Cities and Counties Provide Loans and Grants for Home Repairs
As a mobile home owner, you may qualify for loans or grants to repair your home. Most cities and counties offer home repair funds to qualified low-income homeowners. Typically, these jurisdictions offer 5-year grants for low-income families for up to a maximum...
How To Gain Possession of the Title and Registration of Your Mobile Home
There are so many ways in which you can benefit from possessing the title and registration of your mobile home. These documents allow you to transfer the title to another individual should you wish to leave your home in the possession of a loved one, or if you simply...
Never Forget: “We have emerged stronger and more unified”
For many of us, September can be a difficult month to face, as its 11th day marks the last time our great nation experienced a traumatic terrorist attack. We often think of where we were that day, turning on the news, calling our loved ones, and the rest is a blur of...
Tips For Success In The New School Year
It’s back-to-school season! If you are a student, you may be feeling ready to leave summer break behind and get back into a routine. You may even be ready to see if you can improve your academic skills. Here are some practical tips to guide you to a successful school...
Home Sharing
Sharing your home can be an option for homeowners of any age, but for seniors it can be helpful. Consider the following benefits: Companionship, rental income, household help, transportation, peace of mind for family and friends who are worried about seniors living...